Thursday 16 November 2017

Darmowy online trading education grok

Internet przedmiotów (IoT) oferuje szereg udogodnień i automatyzacji zarówno dla biznesu, jak i konsumentów. Ale nowe obowiązki w zakresie prywatności i zgodności są częścią tego pakietu. Oto jak to wykorzystać. Jessica Davis, starszy redaktor, Enterprise Apps, Kampania 2162017 podkreśliła dobrą higienę informatyczną, według managera Robby Mook, który powiedział, że fałszywe wiadomości e-mail z phishingiem były używane do oceny skuteczności szkoleń z zakresu bezpieczeństwa dla pracowników, By Terry Sweeney Contributing Editor, 2152017 Jeśli twój budżet IT pozostaje płaski, istnieją techniki, dzięki którym można uzyskać więcej huków z tych samych dolarów w nowym wieku IT. Don Jones, dyrektor programu nauczania, Pluralsight. 2152017 Rozbicie silosów ma kluczowe znaczenie w strategii IT przedsiębiorstwa i istnieją sposoby na uzyskanie różnych zespołów informatycznych i biznesowych w tym samym zespole. James M. Connolly, redaktor naczelny zarządzający, InformationWeekEditor in Chief, 2152017 Jeśli szukasz pracy IT w tym roku, możesz zacząć od tego typu firm, być może koncentrując się na typach pracy, które są gorące w danym sektorze. Autor: Cynthia Harvey Contributor, NetworkComputing, 2152017 Internet of Things pozostaje podatny na botnety i złośliwe oprogramowanie, ale Ciscos Anthony Grieco oferuje kilka wskazówek, które pomogą zapewnić bezpieczeństwo sieci i użytkowników Autor: Terry Sweeney Contributing Editor, 2152017 Jonathan Bryce, dyrektor wykonawczy OpenStack Foundation, mówi Project Zun daje przedsiębiorstwom IT nowy powód do ponownego rozważenia OpenStack dla prywatnych chmur. Autor: Charles Babcock, redaktor naczelny, Cloud, 2142017Jednym z najbardziej irytujących pytań w historii Afroamerykanów jest to, czy wolni Afroamerykanie sami byli niewolnikami. Krótka odpowiedź na to pytanie, jak można podejrzewać, brzmi: tak, oczywiście, niektórzy wolni czarni ludzie w tym kraju kupowali i sprzedawali innych czarnych ludzi, i robili to przynajmniej od 1654 r., Kontynuując to przez wojnę domową. Dla mnie naprawdę fascynujące pytania dotyczące posiadania czarnych niewolników są ilu czarnych mistrzów było zaangażowanych, ilu ich posiadało i dlaczego mieli niewolników Odpowiedzi na te pytania są złożone, a historycy od pewnego czasu kłócą się o to, czy wolni Murzyni kupowali członków rodziny jako niewolników, aby chronić ich motywację, z jednej strony, przez dobroć i filantropię, jak to określił historyk Carter G. Woodson, albo, czy z drugiej strony, kupili innych Czarnych jako akt wyzysku , przede wszystkim, aby wykorzystać swoją wolną siłę roboczą dla zysku, tak jak zrobili to właściciele białych niewolników. Dowody wskazują, że obie rzeczy są niestety prawdziwe. W fascynującym eseju przeglądającym tę kontrowersję R. Halliburton pokazuje, że wolni czarni ludzie posiadali niewolników w każdym z trzynastu oryginalnych stanów, a później w każdym stanie, które przeciwstawiało niewolnictwo, przynajmniej odkąd Anthony Johnson i jego żona Mary stanęli przed sądem w Wirginii w 1654 r., Aby uzyskać dostęp do usług swego służalczego sługi, czarnego człowieka, Johna Castora, na całe życie. A przez pewien czas wolni czarni ludzie mogli nawet korzystać z usług białych indentured sług w Wirginii. Wolni czarni posiadali niewolników w Bostonie w 1724 r., A w Connecticut w 1783 r. W 1790 r. 48 czarnych w Maryland posiadało 143 niewolników. Jeden ze szczególnie znanych rolników z Czarnej Maryland, nazwanych Nat Butler, regularnie kupował i sprzedawał Murzynów za handel na południu, napisał Halliburton. Być może najbardziej podstępną lub desperacką próbą obrony prawa czarnych do posiadania niewolników było oświadczenie złożone w przededniu wojny domowej przez grupę wolnych ludzi w Nowym Orleanie, oferujących swoje usługi Konfederacji, po części dlatego, że bali się własnego zniewolenia: wolna, kolorowa ludność, pochodząca z Luizjany, jest niewolnicą, a oni są bardzo przywiązani do swojej ojczyzny i są gotowi przelać krew za jej obronę. Oni nie mają sympatii dla abolicjonizmu, nie kochają Północy, ale mają dużo dla Luizjany. Będą o nią walczyć w 1861 roku, gdy walczyli w obronie Nowego Orleanu przed Brytyjczykami w latach 1814-1815. Ci goście byli, mówiąc wprost, oportunistami par excellence: jak wyjaśniają to Noah Andre Trudeau i James G. Hollandsworth Jr., po wybuchu wojny niektórzy z tych samych czarnych mężczyzn utworzyli 14 kompanii milicji złożonej z 440 mężczyzn i byli zorganizowany przez gubernatora w maju 1861 r. w miejscową gwardię w Luizjanie, który przysięgał walczyć, by bronić Konfederacji. Chociaż nie pełnił żadnej roli bojowej, gwardianie gromadzący szczyt 1000 ochotników byli pierwszą jednostką wojny secesyjnej, która wyznaczyła czarnych oficerów. Kiedy Nowy Orlean upadł pod koniec kwietnia 1862 r. Do Unii, około 10 procent tych mężczyzn, nie tracąc czasu, utworzyło teraz Native GuardCorps dAfrique, by bronić Unii. Więc co mówią nam faktyczni właściciele czarnych niewolników i ich niewolników W roku 1830, roku najdokładniej zbadanym przez Cartera G. Woodsona, około 13,7 procent (319 599) czarnej populacji było wolne. Spośród nich 3 776 wolnych Murzynów posiadało 12 907 niewolników, z łącznej liczby 2 090 043 niewolników w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych, więc liczba niewolników należących do Czarnych była w sumie niewielka w porównaniu z liczbą posiadaną przez białych. Dlaczego więc ci wolni czarni ludzie są właścicielami tych niewolników Rozsądnie jest założyć, że 42 procent wolnych czarnych właścicieli niewolników, którzy mieli tylko jednego niewolnika, prawdopodobnie posiadało członka rodziny, aby chronić tę osobę, tak jak wielu innych czarnych właścicieli niewolników, którzy posiadał tylko nieco większą liczbę niewolników. Halliburton podsumowuje, po zbadaniu dowodów, że poważnym błędem byłoby automatycznie założyć, że wolni czarni posiadali współmałżonka lub dzieci tylko dla celów dobroczynnych. Innymi słowy, większość właścicieli czarnych niewolników prawdopodobnie posiadała członków rodziny, aby ich chronić, ale zbyt wielu z nich przeszło na niewolę, aby wykorzystać pracę innych czarnych ludzi dla zysku. Gdybyśmy tworzyli Galerię Czarnej Historii Łotrów, mieliby w niej udział wolni czarni właściciele niewolników: John Carruthers Stanlyborn, niewolnik w hrabstwie Craven, syn matki Igbo i jej mistrz, John Wright Stanly, uznany za niezwykle udanego fryzjera i spekulanta na nieruchomościach w New Bern. Jak zauważa Loren Schweninger u właścicieli nieruchomości na południu w latach 1790-1915. na początku lat dwudziestych XIX wieku Stanly posiadał trzy plantacje i 163 niewolników, a nawet zatrudnił trzech białych nadzorców do zarządzania swoim majątkiem. Później spłodził sześcioro dzieci z niewolnicą o imieniu Kitty i ostatecznie uwolnił ich. Stanly stracił majątek, kiedy spłacono pożyczkę za 14 962, którą podpisał z bratem przyrodnim, Johnem. Po tym jak jego bracia wyskoczyli, pożyczka była jedyną odpowiedzialnością Stanleya i nie był w stanie jej zapłacić. Antoine Dubuclet i jego żona Claire Pollard posiadali ponad 70 niewolników w parafii Iberville, gdy pobrali się. Według Thomasa Clarkina, w 1864 roku, w czasie wojny secesyjnej, mieli 100 niewolników o wartości 94 700. Podczas Rekonstrukcji stał się pierwszym czarnym skarbnikiem, który służył w latach 1868-1878. Andrew Durnford był plantatorem cukru i lekarzem, który był właścicielem plantacji św. Rosalie, 33 km na południe od Nowego Orleanu. Pod koniec lat dwudziestych XIX wieku mówi nam David O. Whitten. zapłacił 7000 za siedmiu niewolników, pięć kobiet i dwoje dzieci. Podróżował do Virginii w 1830 roku i kupił 24 kolejne. W końcu będzie miał 77 niewolników. Kiedy inny kreolski niewolnik wyzwolił 85 swoich niewolników i wysłał ich do Liberii, Durnford skomentował, że nie mógł tego zrobić, ponieważ własny interes jest zbyt mocno zakorzeniony w łonie wszystkich, którzy oddychają amerykańską atmosferą. Większość z nas znajdzie wiadomość, że niektórzy czarni ludzie kupili i sprzedali innych czarnych ludzi z zyskiem dość niepokojącym, tak jak powinniśmy. Ale biorąc pod uwagę długą historię podziałów klasowych w czarnej społeczności, którą Martin R. Delany już w latach 50. XIX w. Opisał jako naród wewnątrz narodu, i biorąc pod uwagę rolę afrykańskich elit w długiej historii transatlantyckiego handlu niewolnikami. być może nie powinniśmy się dziwić, że możemy znaleźć przykłady w czarnej historii prawie każdego ludzkiego zachowania, od najszlachetniejszych do najbardziej ohydnych, jakie znajdujemy w historii innych ludzi. Dobrą wiadomością, według naukowców, jest to, że do roku 1860 liczba wolnych czarnych posiadaczy niewolników znacznie spadła od 1830 r. Loren Schweninger dochodzi do wniosku, że w przededniu wojny domowej zjawisko wolnych czarnych właścicieli niewolników prawie zniknęło Górnego Południa, nawet jeśli nie w miejscach takich jak Luizjana na Dolnym Południu. Udostępnij Ten udział byłby lepszym słowem. Tam, gdzie są pieniądze, znajdziesz je. Nie, niektórzy Żydzi brali udział, naturalnie, ponieważ byli najbardziej zaangażowanymi grupami etnicznymi w merchandising w Europie Zachodniej od czasów rzymskich. Na pewno nauczyli Holendrów, jak to zrobić, a to Holendrzy sprowadzili pierwszych niewolników do Amerykańskich Kolonii, kiedy Nowy Jork był wciąż Nowym Amsterdamem. Holendrzy byli pierwszymi i pierwszymi odnoszącymi największe sukcesy nieżydowskimi międzynarodowymi kupcami, zakładającymi i osiedlającymi się w Afryce Południowej, ponieważ byli na trasie do Indii i punktowali na wschód. Ale najśmieszniejszą rzeczą w tym artykule jest myśl, że powinniśmy być zaskoczeni, że Murzyni sprzedawali Murzyni. Biali sprzedali białych, Chińczycy sprzedawali Chińczycy itd. Idea retrospektywnej projekcji postawy PC jest tak nieprzewidywalna i nieobiektywna. Mam listę 15 statków niewolniczych należących do Żydów. Mam też DVD profesora Tony Martina wyjaśniające, jak holenderscy Żydzi prowadzili handel niewolnikami. Zanim związali się z czarnymi niewolnikami, Żydzi porwali białe dziewczyny z Europy i sprzedali je na Bliski Wschód. Jaka jest obsesja na punkcie czarnych niewolników Niewolnicy żyli dłużej niż sieroty w kopalniach i fabrykach włókienniczych do 1900 roku, a niewolnicy byli lepsi od ludzi w Afryce. Dziękuję za wiadomość e-mail czy widziałeś stronę Davida duke8217s? Co powiesz na theneworder. org? Według mojego szwagra z Holandii, Holendrzy wywodzili się z czarnego handlu niewolnikami. Według profesora Tony'ego Martina z college'u w Bostonie holenderscy Żydzi prowadzili handel czarnymi niewolnikami. Czy wiesz, że obecnie w Ameryce używa się ponad 300 000 dziewczyn jako niewolników seksualnych. Branża niewolników seksualnych zaczyna się w Hollywood i Las Vegas i działa w największych miastach Ameryki. Mam alistę z 15 niewolniczych statków należących do Żydów, czy chciałbyś go zobaczyć Mam listę jeszcze bardziej białych Europejczyków, którzy nie tylko mieli niewolnicze okręty, ale w przeszłości sprzedawali innych białych Europejczyków północnoafrykańczykom, którzy znali historię 8220, 8221 przeciwstawia się twojej kadrze Dawida Duke'a8217s mitologizującej obsesję na punkcie Żydów i Izraela. David Duke nie zbankrutował w tym kraju DD nie prowadził Hollywood przez ostatnie 50 lat, podobnie jak twoi bohaterowie, bo w tym samym czasie Adolf Hitler zrobił więcej dla tego świata niż wszystkie smoki z 2000 roku. Masz obsesję na punkcie mitologizacji Żydów i Izraela. Mam też holenderskich przyjaciół. Powiedzieli, że Żydzi byli początkowo tylko finansistami, ponieważ tylko Żydzi mieli pieniądze, ponieważ chrześcijanie nie mieli wcześniej pieniędzy, a Żydzi zawsze byli handlarzami. Ci goście z David Duke produkują fałszywe dane bez utraty rytmu. Mam kilka książek o historii handlu niewolnikami, które opowiadają historię, zupełnie różną od Davida Duke'a i jego sługusów. Nie jestem sługą Dawida Duke'a, ale jeśli mówi prawdę, powinieneś zwracać na niego więcej uwagi niż swoim holenderskim przyjaciołom. Czy to fałszywe zauważyć, że pierwsza synagoga w Stanach Zjednoczonych została założona nie w Nowym Jorku, ale w Newport, RI głównym portem dla trójkątowego handlu niewolnikami-cukrem-rumem Fakt, że tak wielu ludzi odruchowo skacze do obrony Żydów8217 nawet bez wysłuchania oskarżenia wywołują takie same reakcje ludzi, którzy stanowczo nalegają, aby Żydzi nie kontrolowali Hollywood, chociaż spędzanie 5 minut na oglądaniu kredytów po każdym trzepnięciu powinno sprawić, że pytanie to nie będzie miało sensu. W latach 90. brytyjski dziennikarz o imieniu Cash dokładnie to zauważył, a podmuch groźby pod postacią krytyki wywołał przeprosiny i przyznanie się, że tak, nowe ubrania Cesarza są naprawdę wspaniałe. Jesteś absolutnie poprawny, a dane Duke8217s są w większości przypadków dobrze udokumentowane i poparte źródłami żydowskimi. Nawiasem mówiąc, z łatwością ujawnił dobrze znany fakt, że Żydzi rzeczywiście kontrolują Hollywood, po prostu przytaczając Joela Steina, który przechwalał się nim w swojej rubryce "LA Times": jeśli chodzi jak kaczka, znachoruje jak kaczka, wygląda jak kaczka, zgadnij Co czytasz Czyste Imperium Jak Żydzi wymyślili Hollywood, jeśli interesujesz się jego historią. Podczas gdy Żydzi są zaangażowani, NIE są oni, jak można tak powiedzieć, na szczycie piramidy. Żydzi z powrotem w czasie Jezusa8217 powiedzieli 8220 Nie mamy króla, ale Cezara. 8221 Dziś jest 8217. Nie mamy króla, tylko papieża. 8221 Poważnie. Watykan od dawna ma politykę antysemityzmu (nawet HITLER to przyznał). Żydzi są po prostu frontem. Niestety tak wielu chce się sprzedać. Jak myślisz, dlaczego Rothschildowie są znani jako bankierzy papieża? Czy istnieje lepszy sposób na wzbudzenie furii przeciwko Żydom (w ten sposób przygotowując scenę do Wielkiego Ucisku, znanego jako JACOB8217S Trouble) niż uczynienie ich swoimi kozłami ofiarnymi Poważnie Co Żydzi ogłaszają, że mają 8220no królem, ale papieżem 8221. Czy potrafisz choć jedno wymienić? Poważnie, musisz odłożyć sok Jeeboo. Poważnie. Ach, i to jest również na odwrót: wielu potępia Żydów, ponieważ nienawidzą ich za bycie Żydami. 8220 Czas na krzyżu 8221 był interesującą książką, choć nie rozumiem, dlaczego, jeśli twierdzą, że czarni byli tak samo wartościową rzeczą stosunkowo dobrze traktowani i pracowali mniej, niż protestowali robotnicy północnej produkcji przemysłowej, powinni być postrzegani jako bardziej wiarygodni niż jego powszechnie akceptowane roszczenia produktywności czarnych. W każdym razie wygląda na to, że czarni byli bardziej przydatni jako niewolnicy niż jako pasożyty dobrostanu i mordercy, drapieżni zbiry. Ekonomista Univ z Chicago, z Noblem w spodniach, GaryBecker, twierdzi, że niewolnicy z tyłu jedli lepszą dietę niż biali imigranci na północy. Niewolnicy byli dobrze traktowani. Niewolnicy z Ameryki Łacińskiej, OTOH, OY VEY. Ponadto, 8220 Bez zgody lub umowy 8221, c. 1990, który jest bardziej płynny niż 8220TotC8221. Największy błąd. Slackin8217 jest tym, co robią najlepiej. Nasz typ etyki pracy nie jest po prostu w ich temperamencie. Nawet osoby dobrze wykształcone mają takie samo pragnienie, by się rozluźnić w jak największym stopniu. Zdejmij białego nadzorcę z równania, a zwłaszcza, gdy nic nie zostanie wykonane, niezależnie od wykonywanego zadania. Zawsze zastanawiam się, jaka byłaby reakcja naszych przodków, gdyby zobaczyli, że Murzyni mają teraz białych zakładników we własnym kraju. Prawdopodobnie byliby całkowicie zszokowani i przywrócili niewolnictwo. Jak wszyscy tutaj już wiedzą, niewolników często można było łatwo zdobyć, oferując zapłatę w pożądanych towarach wodzom afrykańskim, którzy chętnie sprzedawaliby swoje własne podmioty. Myślę, że coś podobnego dzieje się TERAZ. Nazywam to Wielką Okazją. To proste. Czarne przywództwo wie, że imigracja jest katastrofą dla czarnych. Ale oni szczęśliwie - nawet niewolniczo, heh heh8211 idą dalej. Obama jest szalony w kwestii imigracji. Wie dobrze, że ogromny segment czarnego ludu jest dosłownie skończony. ich nie ma dla nich miejsca. ŻADEN. Będą żyć na zawsze w deprawacji EBT, przenosząc się do narodu Shitaviouse. Jednak czarni idą i mówią NIC, o ile dostaną swoje. Oto dlaczego trzymamy czarnych mężczyzn w więzieniu tak długo, jak to możliwe. Czy potrafisz sobie wyobrazić koszmar, gdyby byli na naszych ulicach Czy to nie król Anglii i ci, którzy wspierają tę instytucję, która zmusiła niewolników do nowego świata Czy założyciele Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, próbowali pozbyć się niewolnictwa, ale nie mogli tego zrobić? monopolicowane interesy nie wspierałyby wyzwolenia i repatriacji wraz z rewolucją. Bez względu na to, czy rzeczywiście są prawdziwe, ważniejszą częścią dla właścicieli niewolników było to, że nie musieli ich płacić. Niewolnicy nigdy nie byli potrzebni Właśnie dlatego afrykańskie niewolnictwo było tak poważnym błędem popełnionym przez gitgo na nowo otwartej zachodniej półkuli i totalnym szaleństwie gospodarczym, nie wspominając o ogromnych kosztach i utrzymaniu, które zbankrutowały 50 dużych plantacji. Zatrudniony na pomoc płacił pensje i dzielenie się majątkiem był zdecydowanie bardziej ekologicznym nadrzędnym systemem. Oczywiście niewolnictwo było także białym zabójcą siły roboczej i głównym powodem, dla którego nie elitarne biali żyli w tak ubogiej na wsi na południu, a nie na północy, gdzie było wiele prac industrializacji. Był to zły system i nigdy nie był potrzebny. Główna wina spoczywa na afrykańskich wodzach plemiennych, którzy nie tylko wyegzekwowali z niewoli na zachodzie, ale zabili 2 ptaki jednym kamieniem, oczyszczając ich odrzuty i niepożądane rzeczy. I nikt nie mówi o słabym białym problemie w tym kraju i w jaki sposób zwolennicy niewolników bardzo się do tego przyczynili. Ostateczna kolonia karalna Afryka była miejscem narodzin niewolnictwa, nie człowiek, ale jest mnóstwo martwych małp człekokształtnych, które ewolucjoniści ateiści określają jako pierwsi pierwsi ludzie, czyli całkowite BS, chyba że pochodzą od pierwotnej ludzkiej rasy, która spływała tam z Mezopotamii podczas powódź 4500 lat temu według starożytnej księgi żydowskiej. Afryka była niczym innym, jak pierwotną kolonią karną dla dzikich zwierząt i dzikich ras Ham podobnych do kolonii karnych w Australii, gdzie najgorsi kryminaliści zostali trwale zrzuceni przez Imperium Brytyjskie. Może otrzymali pomysł z Tory. Wojsko amerykańskie używa bazy marynarki wojennej Guantanamo na południu Kuby jako swojej pośredniczącej kolonii karnej dla muzułmańskich worków z orzechami, ale musi zacząć wysyłać swoich skazanych miejskich morderczych bandytów, aby uratować miliardy ludzi, którzy szybko staną się łagodnym liceum i wyleczyć jakąkolwiek aktywność seksualną lub ryzykować ugięcie głowy za pomocą ostrza obiekty. Jeśli pomyśleli, że powrót kary śmierci pomoże zapobiec przestępczości kapitałowej w Ameryce, nigdy nie próbowali Gitgo. Myślę, że czarni są jak dzieci, niedojrzali, leniwi z natury, lubią grać, wymagający, przyciągnięci do śmieci, pobudliwi, złośliwi, gdy nie dostają się na drogę, manipulacyjni, niepewni8230, masz obraz. Oni utknęli w stałym dzieciństwie. Tak. Brak im kontroli nad własnymi emocjami. Działają pod wpływem impulsu. Są jak dzieci. I ciągle za nich płacimy. Let8217 przestają robić to na stałe i żyją razem jako Biali. Jak jeden bez drugiego. Tak, I8217m czyta książkę opublikowaną w 1901 r. Napisaną przez czarnoskórego, zatytułowanego, 8220 The American Negro, nazwisko autora 8221, William Hannibal Thomas. Gdyby żył dzisiaj, będzie tam z panem Taylorem. Jego potępienie czarnego zachowania jest całkowite. Nie było nigdy Klanu, który kiedykolwiek powiedziałby coś bardziej surowego niż ten czarny człowiek o czarnych ludziach. Ponadto skazuje na niebiosa tych białych (liberałów swoich czasów), którzy myślą, że pomagają Murzynom, ale w rzeczywistości ranią ich gorszymi od najgorszych rasistowskich. Dostępne za darmo w Internecie. tinyurlbz9pcxs Najbardziej stara książka jakiejkolwiek postaci. Adam Smith powiedział to najlepiej, gdy chodzi o niewolnictwo: 8220 Z doświadczenia wszystkich wieków i narodów, wierzę, że praca wykonywana przez wolnych ludzi jest w końcu tańsza niż praca wykonywana przez niewolników. Niezależnie od tego, jaką pracę wykona, poza tym, co wystarczy, by kupić własne utrzymanie, może zostać wyciśnięty z niego tylko przemocą, a nie przez własny interes. 8221 To nie jest przypadek, gdy praca jest kulturą bawełny w systemie gangów. . Lub produkcja cukru w ​​Luizjanie. Po co niewolnicy, kiedy można importować miliony ludzi, aby obniżyć koszty pracy? Ludzie tutaj nie będą pracować za 2 dolary za godzinę Czas na przybycie lub importowanie ludzi. Zaskakująco uczciwy utwór od prof. Gatesa, który był najbardziej nieuczciwy i niesłuszny w kontaktach z policjantami z Cambridge w 2009 roku. Oczywiście stał się o wiele bardziej nieuczciwy, gdy Idiota wodza ogłosiła, że ​​policja z Cambridge 82faktycznie głupio8221. W tym utworze Gates twierdzi, że niektórzy czarni kupowali członków rodziny jako życzliwi, aby ich uwolnić i to prawda, niektórzy to zrobili. Ale to, co byłoby miłe i nieco bardziej zrównoważone, gdyby stwierdził również, że znacznie więcej białych abolicjonistów i organizacji religijnych, zrobiło to i na znacznie większą skalę. Większość czarnoskórych, którzy posiadali niewolników, zwłaszcza w Luizjanie, nie byli zupełnie czarni per se, ale mulat, quadroon lub dalej źle się rozgraniczali. Afroamerykanie są bardzo świadomi odcienia skóry i odsetka białej krwi, a lżejsze często czują się lepsi od swoich ciemniejszych braci. Okazuje się, że czarni są także rasistami w stosunku do innych (ciemniejszych) czarnych. Nie jestem pewien, czy mógłbym go nazwać profesorem. Nie dałbym dużego uznania komukolwiek, którego pole 8220expertise8221 kończy się słowem 8220studies8221. Miałem do czynienia z takim głupkiem jak on w pracy, który oskarżył mnie, że nie mam do czynienia z czarnymi. Ten facet wyglądał na Egipcjanina, ale miał angielskie imię, musiał być 116. czarny, prawdopodobnie był Creole. Powiedziałem mu, że nie wiedziałem nawet, że jest czarny. Sądzę, że zaniedbałem mu specjalne traktowanie. Wiesz, że zgodnie z zasadą jednej kropli, będą oni nosić tę kartę wyścigową, nawet jeśli będą mogli zdobyć tylko 116-tą kartę. I8217ve doświadczał tego samego przy wielu okazjach. Let8217s położyło temu kres. Powinien studiować prawo. Że policjant z Cambridge miał rację dzwoniąc do niego na zewnątrz, a on nie miał racji. Nikt nigdy o tym nie wspomina, ale jeśli policjant myśli, że ktoś włamał się do twojego domu i jesteś właścicielem domu do wynajęcia, możesz mieć sprawcę ukrywającego się w szafie lub gdzieś indziej, więc rozsądnie jest poprosić właściciela domu o wyjście na zewnątrz, podczas gdy gliniarze przeszukują Dom. Ktoś powinien był o tym wspomnieć mu i Kenijczykowi, ale wtedy roztrzaskałoby to narrację, którą media próbowały przedstawić. Nadal jestem zwolennikiem teorii, że Gates planował to z góry, ponieważ chciał incydent z policjantem. To dlatego, że chciał się rozgłosić, gdy wczoraj stawał się nowiną we wszechświecie czarnych badań gadających głów. Po prostu nigdy się nie spodziewał, że zostanie aresztowany. To bardzo rozsądna teoria, biorąc pod uwagę wszystkie mistyfikacje, jakie te 8220 ciemne studia8221 podejmują na uczelniach. Równie rozsądne, biorąc pod uwagę, że czarni mają reputację światowej klasy, angażując się w tanie akrobacje i teatr, aby zmusić ludzi do zwrócenia na nie uwagi. Ditto w karaibskiej, elicie Mulat Ponieważ wiedzą, że białe geny oznaczają lepszy intelekt i zachowanie, i dlatego Czarni, którzy wspinają się po socjoekonomicznej drabinie, kochają się prześladować z Białymi kobietami. My, wszyscy Biali, powinniśmy być odepchnięci od tego, ponieważ Biała Strona zaangażowana w miscegenation dosłownie wyrzuca swoje dziedzictwo do śmieci. Rezultat nie tylko nie będzie na podobieństwo Białego rodzica, ale z pewnością będzie miał niższy intelekt do tego, co byłoby możliwe z rasowo czystym Dzieckiem Białym. Nawet jeśli Biały rodzic nie jest najostrzejszym narzędziem w szopie, rzut kostką genetyki oznacza, że ​​szanse są przeciwko Mulatowi mającemu silniejszy intelekt. Właśnie z tego powodu przekazywanie danych było niezgodne z prawem i nadal powinno być. Cóż, by być uczciwym, podtekst tego artykułu był taki, że wielu Czarnych kupowało niewolników, aby pomagać ludziom, ale Biali nie. Nie możesz ukryć przeszłości, ale możesz zmienić sposób jej prezentacji. Gates mówi, że byłoby 8216fair zakładać8217, że 43 z czarnych właścicieli niewolników kupiło członków rodziny, ponieważ był to odsetek czarnych właścicieli posiadających jednego lub kilku niewolników. Nie wiem, że twierdzenie, że wszystkie te 43 były życzliwe, jest uzasadnione, że wielu białych posiadało tylko jednego lub kilku niewolników. 8220 Jeśli kogoś kochasz, uwolnij ich. 8221 Jeśli ci czarni właściciele naprawdę kochali swoich niewolników, nie mieliby ich 821682, ale po prostu by ich uwolnili. Podjął też inną pobieżną konkluzję, twierdząc, że było to postępem, że mniej czarnych posiadało niewolników z biegiem czasu, ale wydaje się oczywiste, że mogło to być spowodowane tym, że biali coraz częściej odmawiali im sprzedania, gdy pojawiła się wojna domowa. W tym artykule Pan Gates jest persona non-grata w czarnej społeczności. Czasem mówi prawdę, a czarni doceniają jedynie prawdy, które pasują do ich czarno-białych planów. Innymi słowy, większość właścicieli czarnych niewolników prawdopodobnie posiadała członków rodziny, aby ich chronić, ale zbyt wielu z nich przeszło na niewolę, aby wykorzystać pracę innych czarnych ludzi dla zysku. Czarni wykorzystywali czarną siłę roboczą dla własnej korzyści. To nie jest szokujące. Zaskakujące jest to, że czarni zdołali zachować spokój przez tak długi czas. Czarni od wieków zniewalają Murzynów. Oni nadal robią to dzisiaj. W niektórych czarnych narodach nie było nawet kwestionowanych. Pan Gates albo kłamie, albo wyraża z tego stronniczość. Jestem skłonny uwierzyć, że angażuje się w to pierwsze. Murzyni nie mają takiego samego szacunku dla prawdy, którą robimy, a edukacja nie zmienia tego w nich. Jeśli chodzi o czarną historię, która stawia czarnych na niekorzystne światło, czarni zwracają się do idei 8216nuited8217 historii. Działa to tak: Podczas gdy biali są złymi wcieleniami, Murzyni mogą być wybaczani i usprawiedliwiani za swoje przeszłe grzechy, ponieważ zawsze są powodem ich działania. Czarni są z natury dobrymi i życzliwymi ludźmi, którzy zostali zmuszeni do robienia złych rzeczy, ponieważ sprawili, że to diabeł (niebieskooki) 82. To nic więcej niż próba stłumienia przez pana Gatesa8217 historycznego faktu, który przedstawia czarnych w złym świetle. 8220. Znowu8221 historia odnosi się także do tych z 8220tribe8221, które STILLa wymyślają usprawiedliwienie dla ich 8220inspołeczności82218211. Nadal twierdzą, że komunizm jest właściwie stosowany8221. Komunizm ostatecznie 8220 skierował 8221 na swoich 8220 wynalazców. Ilekroć mówię filozofię z 8220 wylewanym niewolnikiem 8221, zawsze dostaję Marksa i Engelsa. Sprytny Murzyn to zwykle indoktrynowana papuga. Bezpłatne podróże dla czarnoskórych MY DO OWE BLACKS ZA PRZYNOSIENIE TUTAJ: Musimy postąpić właściwie. Musimy zaoferować KAŻDY czarny, który czuje się źle traktowany w Ameryce BEZPŁATNY bilet w jedną stronę z powrotem do Afryki wraz z 25 000 gotówką. Jedyne, co muszą zrobić, aby się zakwalifikować, to odmówić obywatelstwa amerykańskiego, którego nie wydają się aprobować i podpisywać dokumentów, że nigdy nie wrócą do USA, z bardzo poważnymi konsekwencjami, jeśli tak się stanie, a nie z darmowymi mieszkaniami, opieką zdrowotną i dobrobytem, ​​tak jak my dajemy nasze najeźdźców z 8220 South of The Border (sic!), ale poważny czas na Chain Gang przed deportacją. Za każde 25 000 otrzymamy miliardy dolarów. Niewiele osób wie, że kosztuje 50 000 rocznie na utrzymanie czarnego osadzonego w więzieniu. Uświadomisz sobie, że nie jesteś także rdzennym Amerykaninem. Stąd słowo rdzenni Amerykanie lub rdzenni mieszkańcy Ameryki. Tak jak przywieźli tu Afrykanie, podobnie jak Europejczycy, chociaż większość przyszła. Co znaczyłoby, że technicznie nie posiadasz ani nie masz żadnych praw do Ameryki, tylko rdzenni mieszkańcy Indii, którzy byli tu na długo przed odkryciem przez Kolumba, tak nazwali to Amerykaninem. Więc jeśli rozdajesz bilety do Afryki, daj sobie jeden i wróć do Europy. Ta informacja pozostanie zakopana tak jak wszystkie inne przypadki prawdziwej natury czarnych, ponieważ nie pasuje ona do rachunku 8220Blacks good, white bad8221, którą młodzi ludzie codziennie bębnowali w swoich głowach. Czytałem o dawno temu blacks8217 własności niewolników, a także słyszałem wymówkę, że zrobili to 8220protect8221 członkom ich rodzin z białych. Ale po bliższej inspekcji naprawdę nie wytrzymuje. Jeśli niewolnicy zostali uwolnieni legalnie, mogliby cieszyć się taką samą ochroną prawną, z jakiej korzystali już równie wolni członkowie rodziny. To, jakie prawo działałoby dla jednego, chroniłoby drugie. Bardziej prawdopodobne jest to, że dzięki posiadaniu rodziny czarni łatwiej mogliby je kontrolować. Patrząc na dynamikę rodziny czarnoskórych dzisiaj, wydaje się, że nadmiar zachowań kontrolujących, zazdrości i przemocy fizycznej wydaje się być przesadny. Czy jest lepszy sposób, aby czarny mężczyzna nie pozwolił swojej kobiecie pozostawiać go i jego dzieci posłusznych, niż legalnie je posiadać i mieć prawo do bicia ich lub sprzedawania, jeśli zrobiłyby to zbyt dobrze 8222. Au contraire. Wszyscy wiedzą, że czarni byli niewolnikami przed wojną secesyjną. Mam wrażenie, że cała historia niewolnictwa jest bardzo problematyczna, aby ją zrozumieć lub naprawić. Pomyśl o tym w ten sposób8230100 lat od teraz, jeśli nadal będą ludzie, którzy będą dokumentować nasze czasy, bez wątpienia zobaczą, że wielu czarnych jest w więzieniu. I będą się zastanawiać, że ludzie są tak rasistowscy, tak źli, tacy okrutni, tak barbarzyńscy, że mają te ogromne więzienia, a ludzie w nich trzymają. Będą muzea, w których ludzie pójdą, a ty i dzieci możecie zrobić zdjęcie, gdzie jesteś 8220behind bars8221 lub coś w tym stylu. Ale oczywiście z naszej perspektywy znamy prawdę. Zamykamy gwałcicieli, morderców i handlarzy narkotyków, a czarni ludzie są takimi rzeczami, jak wtedy, gdy słyszy się o linczach, i wszyscy dzisiaj, w naszym wieku 8220 lat, uważają, że to było przerażające, i tych biednych czarnych i tych złych południowców itd. Ale wielu tych linczów były za kryminalną, gwałtowną działalność Mieszkańcy właściwie tylko się bronili, zachowując bezpieczeństwo. Podobnie jest z niewolnictwem. Bez wątpienia wiele jej aspektów było złych. Ale także wielu czarnych miało o wiele lepiej, niż gdyby mieli przynależność do jakiegoś plemienia w Afryce. Dlaczego wolni czarni są niewolnikami Do pracy na swoich polach, plantacjach, kopalniach, fabrykach, warsztatach i innych celach, tak jak każdy biały właściciel niewolników. Jak publiczność, zarówno czarni, jak i biali, zareaguje, jeśli powstanie główny film lub telewizyjny serial o amerykańskim niewolnictwie w najlepszym prime time, w którym sam 8220massa8221 jest wolnym czarnym człowiekiem. Na przykład, pamiętam w 1977 roku, wydanie z telewizyjnego mini-serialu 8220Roots8221 spowodował poważne problemy rasowe. Dopiero niedawno dowiedziałem się, że 8220Roots8221 został sparagryzowany przez Alexa Haleya z powieści Harolda Courtlandera 8220 The African8221. Oczywiście większość ludzi nie studiuje historii na własną rękę, tak jak ja to robię dla hobby, i bardzo często wierzą w historię, czego nauczyli się w szkole, widzą w filmach i dramatach telewizyjnych, co często jest historycznie niedokładne. To sami czarni Afrykanie stworzyli czarny handel niewolnikami. Mówiąc najprościej, jedno plemię napadnie na wioskę wrogiego plemienia i sprzeda ludzi, których złapali na białych kapitanach statków handlowych u wybrzeży Afryki. Po 1808 r. Handel niewolnikami ze Stanów Zjednoczonych był technicznie nielegalny, ale do czasu wojny domowej nadal przemycano statki niewolników ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, ze względu na pieniądze, które trzeba było zapłacić. Niestety, niewolnictwo trwa nadal, dziś nazywa się to handlem ludźmi. Organizacje takie jak Free the Slaves i inne grupy zajmujące się prawami człowieka to dzisiejsi abolicjoniści, którzy teraz z tym walczą. Ale zastanawiam się, co by było, gdyby zorganizować zbiórkę pieniędzy na walkę z handlem ludźmi w Apollo Theatre w Harlemie. Niewolnictwo w Nowym Jorku było złym systemem ekonomicznym. Afrykanie byli pierwotnymi właścicielami niewolników. Skradający się plemienni wodzowie zbrodniarze sprzedali dziesiątki milionów swoich odrzuceń większości, którzy byli więźniami lub podwładnymi w plemieniu. W przeciwnym razie byliby kanibalizowani. Foolish white slaves trader merchants sucked into the gimmick shipped them west and of course the western elite were gullible to fall for this trick when slaves were needed like a hole in the head and the worst of economy systems. These white Shem race Europeans could have enslaved the migrant Asian mongoloid Japheth race who had crossed over the Bering ice bridge 1000 yrs earlier but were tricked into going to Africa and buying the Ham servant race as they were called in the Torah8217s Genesis. It was a heb Rothchilde trick. Since his parents were missionarys to Japan where he got hooked on the yellow mongoloid pagans Amren8217s Taylor was obviously a rebel like all offspring of these types. The preachers daughter or son was always the wild child when unchained. This is why he rejects any white man religion controvery discussion and protects so called hebs who have a disconnect with WMR although missionary8217s all have a superiority complex when it comes to their belief system. In the end slavery was the worst eco system and opened the door to Marx and his tool Lincoln. The rest is bloody history and inferior genetics. G. Carter Woodson is such a BSer on this point. To 8220own8221 someone as a matter of 8220benevolence8221 toward your kinfolk. Pure crap If one were 8220benevolent8221 one would buy and then immediately release and free forever (8220emancipate8221) one8217s family member. The fact that the kept them as slaves long enough to have them listed on a decennial census puts the lie to that. Black americans bought and sold slaves for the same reasons black africans always have: to make money Black in Haiti keep slaves to this very day for the same reason: they are cheap exploitable labor. Google 8220restavek8221. If blacks were treated as they deserve, in terms of criminal prosecutions, television depictions, report of their inferior IQ8217s, the real reasons they cannot keep up with whites in school, then I would not hate them nearly as much as I do. The denial of reality is what turns people into extremists, not fair treatment. I am interested to know examples of the treatment blacks deserve. I am also interested as to why. Thank you Gates is one useless lying arrogant pos who unquestionably came from one of the worst rejected inferior lines in Africa who were the first to be sold and board the western bound ship by tribal chiefs snickering and trying to hold back their laughter while signing a big relief to have his kind purged completely. Clearly Gates was the original Kunte Kinte but not the Hollywood fiction and only a wimpy runt bed wetter. Did blacks own black slaves 150 years ago YES. Do blacks own black slaves in the United States, right now, today ALSO YES From a very quick google search: When visiting Louisiana years ago I took a tour of an old plantation and was surprised to find out that the slave owner was a brown skinned woman. She was Creole, which is a mixture of African, Indian, and European, in some cases. If you ask ten Louisianans what a Creole is, you will get ten different answers. In either case, Laura looks Indian. Some of the family members are of French descent, so apparently they were not against intermarriage between the races. Well, Ill be darned. Black people exploiting other Buh-lacks. Hey, wait a minute. Arent 99 of pimps and heroin dealers in and to the Schwartz menschen Black Oh, honky Whitey made me do it, somehow connected with slavery and past exploitation. Slavery of course was a universal economic strategy. It is not just restricted to humans much less just whites. Social insects also raid other colonies and steal slaves. Human slavery began probably with the neolithic revolution. Hunter-gatherers can8217t take slaves out on hunting parties but slaves are valuable as soon as you invent agriculture. So the black activist Gates chooses to state that blacks owned slaves in the US, implying that they only did so because they were imbeded in a white slave culture. But blacks also had slavery back in Africa. They probably got slavery later than Europeans because they got agriculture later. Gates wants to associate whiteness with slave owning but it is more true to say that whiteness is associated with ending slavery. Gates is a bigot. Is there a good history of slavery going back to biblical times that offers a defense of 19th century American slavery Or at least a good contextualization of it I want to read-up. Dzięki. slavery was a bad mistake Slavery was a catastrophic mistake and needed like a hole in the head. Did the slave traders and slave buyers really and truly think this whole thing out before they jumped into it head first getting suckered by the tribal chiefs getting rid of their rejects conning them off on the white man who paid as much as 50,000 in todays dollars for every single slave to do incredibly easy soft labor 8-12 months out of the year picking cotten or cleaning house while getting everything paid for and the biggest part getting out of that god awful wretched hellhole jungle 3rd world existence Clearly they were happy to get away from the stench of the jungle otherwise they would have all returned to that wretched hellhole Africa in 1821 with Liberia or in 1865 or other times. Blacks in America need to get on ther hands and knees and kiss the feet of the white elite for taking out of hellish African savage misery and bringing them into the light and same for the Europeans who colonized the African jungles and upgraded their lives. No wonder the free slaves in 1865 showed their affection and eternal appreciation keeping the last names of their former owners and even gong to work for them for wages. They certainly never returned to Africa where they were not wanted. Dont believe all the revisionist lies about abuse of slaves as they were treated with respect and dignity otherwise not a single reparation lawsuit was ever filed by an ex-slave and they still carry the surnames of their master to this day in 2017. Why do they give the tribal chiefs a free pass who sold them off and of course they owned slaves. Ever heard of white slavery White slaves built and maintained Europe for thousands of years. That should have never ended. Whites never needed black slaves for anything. It was the worst of the worst economic systems and opened the door for satanic Marx. Had blacks remained in Africa they would be happy. Ignorance is bliss. Nobody want to remember that human beings once lived in the real world. You ate what you grew, raised, gathered or hunted. Or didn8217t eat at all. Anything you had that was made was made by someone you could see with your own eyes, or at someone like the people you could see in your daily world. People want to believe things that are not real because they want to live in a mental world which is not real, but want to believe that it is real. If you want to believe in a false present and false future, then you need a false past to go with it. If people wanted to live in the real world, they8217d be yelling for job, any reasonable job, and a paycheck at the end of the week. Then, again, in the world today, maybe it makes more sense to yell for a bigger handout. Worldwide, the economic system seems incapable of creating jobs. I8217ll like to own a few white people. You never hear about slavery of White Europeans along the Barbary Coast (North Africa). Sex slave trade for White women does not leave enough shock to these PC scholars. White males were shipped off to the quarries if captured through raids. So-called scholars claim it8217s not racism since Whites only have the power to oppress non-Whites. They must assume that all Europeans were rich from stolen wealth. Yes, the Arabs took about a million whites into slavery8211they devastated many parts of Europe. You never hear about it. Also, whites were considered stupid by the Arabs and less valuable. Talk about racism. Forgive me, but here are the facts: afroids, negroid sub saharan africans by any name, were, pay attention, LIVE STOCK, not members of civilized society. negroes sold negroes, and played on the morality of whites to create a parasite on the body social, the afroid negro. Lincoln wanted to send them back to africa, but the militant blackoids murdered him, and now the beastial negro is polluting the body politic. may obama and his ilk reap what they sow. the gated communties will be happy hunting grounds for the underclass that voted the demons in office. ha, the last laugh will be so sweet. 7 shots for a drunk affirmative action hire means 8 shots missed and the elite will have their asses in a bind. have to use pencils to fight with. ha. Lets not forget that the vast bulk of the slave catchers amp sellers in Africa were African82308230and that slavery when finally stamped out in Africa by the Brits returned full force after 1960 once the White Man put his burden of civilizing the uncivilisable down. BTW, slavery has never left the areas ruled by moslems. gates tells the truth for once Shhh. keep it quiet ok Tribal chiefs who sold off all the slaves to the white man owned a billion slaves too and still do 8230 If these benevolent black slave owners kept black slaves 8220to protect that person8221, what would prevent them from emancipating them voluntarily even if they stayed with the family. This is the usual noise from the left 8220If we do it it is not the same8221. Isn8217t this the guy that had the beer summit with Obama I would like to recommend a few good books for AmRen people to read: gt822148 Liberal Lies about American History8221 by Larry Schweikart. 8220The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War8221 by H. W. Crocker III. Also 8220Death By Liberalism8221, by J. R. Dunn. These books, as a number of others in this genre will certainly open your mind and refocus your thinking. (No, I am not selling them, nor have a financial interest 8212 I am just tired of the liberal lying we get from all directions in today8217s politically correct NOT world) What neither liberals nor Blacks will admit: Slavery would have ended by the beginning of the 20th Century. If only for the simple reason slavery stacked the deck against Whites who did not own slaves of their own. Because a White worker could not compete effectively wage-wise against a slave doing the same job. He had an article8211can8217t remember where8211that castigated blacks for refusing to see the truth about their precious ancestors selling them. Read the book. the politically incorrect guide to the south and why it will rise again, The author makes a lot of good points on slavery. Such as, the first person to ever legally own a slave in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson, some of the largest slave owners were blacks, whites did not mistreat their slaves, just like they dont mistreat there property today. They were only whipped or hung if they had commited a crime, just like they do still today, in Africa. Freed black slaves mostly in La and the north had to pay to buy their relatives and others from white slave owners. Many people mistakenly assume black people owned slaves, because they found their names on bills of sale. Just because their names of people whose freedom they purchased were found on bills of sale, doesn8217t mean they were slave owners, or they treated them as slaves. Where do you think all these 8220black slave owners8221 would live anyway There were only 135 free black people in the entire south at different times and they were mostly the offspring of their owners, their white fathers. Most were freed by their white fathers leading up to the civil war. Many wills would states, if they died, their mixed children would be freed. Blacks couldn8217t own anything in the south during slavery. It wasn8217t until after around 1880 before blacks could have the land left to them by their white fathers. I may be among the few who actually spent many hours talking to a former slave and i learned through her the real truth. She was one of them. Oh, this is a kluxer confederate revisionist article. Your forefathers brought slaves here, because there couldn8217t do the jobs themselves. Everything you have, even today, slaves did that, slaves built the foundation of this country and without my ancestors, you8217d still be dirt poor. And the fact is, your ancestors were child molesters. When i did my DNA and African American research, nearly all of the little black girls were around the age of 13 when they gave birth to the owner8217s babies. That means, the owners started messing with them earlier than 13. The average age of bed wenches ( just an excuse to get a small child in their beds) was from 8 to 13 years old. By the end of the civil war, most of what was the black slaves, had white in them. Some southern heritage huh As a slave owner once said,8217 I got more out of my ex slave paying him, then I did when I own him8221One of the most vexing questions in African-American history is whether free African Americans themselves owned slaves. The short answer to this question, as you might suspect, is yes, of course some free black people in this country bought and sold other black people, and did so at least since 1654, continuing to do so right through the Civil War. For me, the really fascinating questions about black slave-owning are how many black masters were involved, how many slaves did they own and why did they own slaves The answers to these questions are complex, and historians have been arguing for some time over whether free blacks purchased family members as slaves in order to protect themmotivated, on the one hand, by benevolence and philanthropy, as historian Carter G. Woodson put it, or whether, on the other hand, they purchased other black people as an act of exploitation, primarily to exploit their free labor for profit, just as white slave owners did. The evidence shows that, unfortunately, both things are true. In a fascinating essay reviewing this controversy, R. Halliburton shows that free black people have owned slaves in each of the thirteen original states and later in every state that countenanced slavery, at least since Anthony Johnson and his wife Mary went to court in Virginia in 1654 to obtain the services of their indentured servant, a black man, John Castor, for life. And for a time, free black people could even own the services of white indentured servants in Virginia as well. Free blacks owned slaves in Boston by 1724 and in Connecticut by 1783 by 1790, 48 black people in Maryland owned 143 slaves. One particularly notorious black Maryland farmer named Nat Butler regularly purchased and sold Negroes for the Southern trade, Halliburton wrote. Perhaps the most insidious or desperate attempt to defend the right of black people to own slaves was the statement made on the eve of the Civil War by a group of free people of color in New Orleans, offering their services to the Confederacy, in part because they were fearful for their own enslavement: The free colored population native of Louisiana own slaves, and they are dearly attached to their native land and they are ready to shed their blood for her defense. They have no sympathy for abolitionism no love for the North, but they have plenty for Louisiana They will fight for her in 1861 as they fought to defend New Orleans from the British in 1814-1815. These guys were, to put it bluntly, opportunists par excellence: As Noah Andre Trudeau and James G. Hollandsworth Jr. explain, once the war broke out, some of these same black men formed 14 companies of a militia composed of 440 men and were organized by the governor in May 1861 into the Native Guards, Louisiana, swearing to fight to defend the Confederacy. Although given no combat role, the Guardsreaching a peak of 1,000 volunteersbecame the first Civil War unit to appoint black officers. When New Orleans fell in late April 1862 to the Union, about 10 percent of these men, not missing a beat, now formed the Native GuardCorps dAfrique to defend the Union. So what do the actual numbers of black slave owners and their slaves tell us In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people. So why did these free black people own these slaves It is reasonable to assume that the 42 percent of the free black slave owners who owned just one slave probably owned a family member to protect that person, as did many of the other black slave owners who owned only slightly larger numbers of slaves. Halliburton concludes, after examining the evidence, that it would be a serious mistake to automatically assume that free blacks owned their spouse or children only for benevolent purposes. In other words, most black slave owners probably owned family members to protect them, but far too many turned to slavery to exploit the labor of other black people for profit. If we were compiling a Rogues Gallery of Black History, the following free black slaveholders would be in it: John Carruthers Stanlyborn a slave in Craven County, N. C. the son of an Igbo mother and her master, John Wright Stanlybecame an extraordinarily successful barber and speculator in real estate in New Bern. As Loren Schweninger points out in Black Property Owners in the South, 1790-1915 . by the early 1820s, Stanly owned three plantations and 163 slaves, and even hired three white overseers to manage his property He fathered six children with a slave woman named Kitty, and he eventually freed them. Stanly lost his estate when a loan for 14,962 he had co-signed with his white half brother, John, came due. After his brothers stroke, the loan was Stanlys sole responsibility, and he was unable to pay it. Antoine Dubuclet and his wife Claire Pollard owned more than 70 slaves in Iberville Parish when they married. According to Thomas Clarkin, by 1864, in the midst of the Civil War, they owned 100 slaves, worth 94,700. During Reconstruction, he became the states first black treasurer, serving between 1868 and 1878. Andrew Durnford was a sugar planter and a physician who owned the St. Rosalie plantation, 33 miles south of New Orleans. In the late 1820s, David O. Whitten tells us. he paid 7,000 for seven male slaves, five females and two children. He traveled all the way to Virginia in the 1830s and purchased 24 more. Eventually, he would own 77 slaves. When a fellow Creole slave owner liberated 85 of his slaves and shipped them off to Liberia, Durnford commented that he couldnt do that, because self interest is too strongly rooted in the bosom of all that breathes the American atmosphere. Most of us will find the news that some black people bought and sold other black people for profit quite distressing, as well we should. But given the long history of class divisions in the black community, which Martin R. Delany as early as the 1850s described as a nation within a nation, and given the role of African elites in the long history of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. perhaps we should not be surprised that we can find examples throughout black history of just about every sort of human behavior, from the most noble to the most heinous, that we find in any other peoples history. The good news, scholars agree, is that by 1860 the number of free blacks owning slaves had markedly decreased from 1830. In fact, Loren Schweninger concludes that by the eve of the Civil War, the phenomenon of free blacks owning slaves had nearly disappeared in the Upper South, even if it had not in places such as Louisiana in the Lower South. Share This Participated would be a better word. Where there is money to be made, you will find them. Uh no some Jews took part, naturally, as they were the most involved ethnic group in merchandizing in Western Europe since Roman times. They sure taught the Dutch how to do it, and it was the Dutch that brought the first slaves to the American Colonies when New York was still New Amsterdam. The Dutch were the first and first most successful non-Jewish international traders, founding and settling South Africa because it was on their route to India and points East. But the funniest thing about this article is the idea that we ought to be surprised that blacks sold blacks. Whites have sold whites, Chinese sold Chinese, etc. This idea of projecting PC attitude retrospectively is about as nonobjective and unscholarly possible. I have a list of 15 slave ships owned by Jews. I also have a dvd of Professor Tony Martin explaining how Dutch jews ran the slave trade. Before they got involved with black slaves jews kidnapped white girls from Europe and sold them to the Middle East. What is the obsession with black slaves The slaves lived longer than the orphans yanks placed in coal mines and textile mills until 1900 and the slaves were better off than people in Africa are right now. Thanks for the email have you seen David duke8217s website How about theneworder. org According to my brother-in-law from Holland, the Dutch originated the black slave trade. According to professor Tony Martin from Boston college Dutch Jews ran the black slave trade. Did you know there are over 300,000 girls used as sex slaves in America right now. The sex slave industry starts in Hollywood and Las Vegas and operates in the biggest cities in Amercia. I have alist of 15 slave ships owned by jews, would you like to see it I have a list of even more white Europeans who not only had slave ships, but in earlier days sold other white Europeans to North Africans it8217s called 8220well known history,8221 opposed to your cadre of David Duke8217s mythologizing obsession with Jews and Israel. David Duke did not bankrupt this nation DD did not run Hollywood for the last 50 years like your heroes the smoes Adolf Hitler did more for this world than all the smoes in the last 2000 combined. You have an obsession with mythologizing jews and Israel. I have Dutch friends, too. They said the Jews were only financiers at first because only Jews had the money because Christians were forbidden to handle money early on and the Jews had always been traders. These David Duke guys manufacture phoney data without missing a beat. I have several books on the history of slave trade that tell the story, quite different from David Duke and his minions. I8217m not a minion of David Duke, but if he speaks the truth, you should pay more attention to him than to your Dutch friends. Is it phoney to note that the first synagogue in the United States was founded not in New York, but in Newport, R. I. a major port for the trianglular slave-sugar-rum trade The fact that so many people reflexively jump to the Jews8217 defense even without hearing the charge evokes the same reactions of people who vehemently insist that Jews don8217t control Hollywood, although spending 5 minutes watching the credits roll after every flick should make that question a no-brainer. In the 90s, a British journalist by the name of Cash noted exactly that, and the flurry of threats disguised as criticism wrought an apology and an admission from him that yes, the Emperor8217s new clothes are indeed magnificent. You8217re absolutely correct and Duke8217s data is actually well documented and backed up by Jewish sources in most cases. Incidentally, he has easily exposed the well known FACT that the Jews indeed control Hollywood by simply quoting Joel Stein who bragged all about it in his L. A Times column: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, guess what Try reading An Empire of Their Own How the Jews Invented Hollywood if you8217re interested in the history of it. While there are Jews involved, they are NOT at the top of the pyramid, so to speak. Jews back in Jesus8217 time said 8220We have no king but Caesar.8221 Today it8217s 8220we have no king but the pope.8221 Seriously. The Vatican has long had a policy of anti-Semitism (even HITLER admitted this). Jews are just a front. Sadly so many are willing to sell out. Why do you think the Rothschilds are known as the pope8217s bankers What better way to stir up fury against the Jews (thus setting the stage for the Great Tribulation, known as JACOB8217S Trouble) than to make them your scapegoats Seriously What Jews proclaim they have 8220no king but the pope8221. Can you even name one Seriously you need to put away the Jeeboo juice. Poważnie. Ah, and it8217s also the other way around: Many condemn the Jews because they hate them for being Jews. 8220Time on the Cross8221 was an interesting book, though I don8217t see why if it8217s claims that blacks were as valuable chattel relatively well treated and worked less than did Northern industrial workers are violently objected to, should be seen as more believable than his widely accepted claim of black productivity. In any case, it appears that blacks WERE obviously more useful as slaves than they are as welfare parasites and murderous, rapacious thugs. A Univ of Chicago economist, with a Nobel in his pants, GaryBecker, claims that the back slaves ate a better diet than the white immigrants up North. The slaves were well treated. The Latin American slaves, OTOH, OY VEY. Also, 8220Without Consent or Contract8221, c. 1990, which is a smoother read than 8220TotC8221. Biggest mistake indeed. Slackin8217 is what they do best. Our type of work ethic is just not in their temperament. Even the well educated ones have the same desire to slack off as much as possible. Take a White supervisor out of the equation, especially, and next to nothing is accomplished, regardless of the task at hand. I always wonder what the reaction of our forefathers would be if they could see that blacks now hold whites hostage in their own country. They would probably be absolutely shocked and reinstate slavery. As everyone here knows by now, slaves were often easily procured by offering payment in desired goods to the African chiefs, who would gladly sell off their own subjects. I think something similar is happening RIGHT NOW. I call it The Grand Bargain. To proste. The black leadership knows immigration is a disaster fior blacks. Yet they happily-even slavishly, heh heh8211 go along. Obama is crazy for immigration. He knows damn well that a huge segment of the black populace is literally finished. their is no place for them. NONE. They will live in EBT depravity forever, devolving into a nation of Shitaviouses. Yet blacks go along and say NOTHING, as long as they get theirs. This is why we keep black males in prison as long as possible. Can you imagine the nightmare if they were on our streets Was it not the King of England and those support that institution who forced the slaves into the new world Did the Founders Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, try to get rid of slavery but could not as the monied interests would not support manumission and repatriation along with the revolution Whether or not that8217s actually true, the more important part to slave owners was that they didn8217t have to pay them. slaves were never needed That is exactly why African slavery was such a major misguided mistake from the gitgo in the newly opened western hemisphere and total economic insanity not to mention the massive costs and upkeep that bankrupted 50 of large plantations. Hired help paid wages and sharecropping was by far a more eco superior system. Obviously slavery was also a white labor force killer and a major reason non-elite whites lived in such rural poverty in the south as opposed to the north where industrialization jobs were plentiful It was a bad system and never needed. The major blame goes on the African tribal chiefs who not only cashed in off slavery to the west but killed 2 birds with one stones by cleansing their rejects and undesirables. And no one speaks about the poor white problem in this country and how released slaves greatly contributed to it. ultimate penal colony Africa was the birthplace of slavery not man but there are plenty of dead ape skulls that evolutionist atheists refer to as early first humans that is total BS unless they were from the original single human race who washed down there from Mesopotamia during the great flood 4500 yrs ago according to the ancient jew Book. Africa was nothing more than the original ultimate penal colony for wild animals and the wild Ham race similar to penal colonies in Australia where the worse criminals were dropped off permanently by the British Empire. Maybe they got the idea from the Torah. The US military uses Guantanamo Naval base in south Cuba as its proxy penal colony for muslim nutbags but needs to begin sending its own convicted urban criminal murdering thugs there to save billions who would quickly become meek lmice plus cure any fag activity or risk beheadment using sharp objects. If they thought bringing back the death penalty would help prevent capital crime in America they never tried Gitgo. I think blacks are just like children, immature, lazy by nature, like to play, demanding, attracted to junk, excitable, mean-spirited when they don8217t get their way, manipulative, insecure8230well, you get the picture. They8217re stuck in a permanent childhood. Tak. They lack control of their own emotions. They act on impulse. They are like children. And we keep paying for them. Let8217s stop doing that permanently and live together as Whites. As one without the other. Yes, I8217m reading a book published in 1901 written by a black guy entitled, 8220The American Negro,8221 authors name, William Hannibal Thomas. If he lived today, he8217d be right there with Mr. Taylor. His condemnation of black behavior is total. There was never a Klansman who ever said anything more harsh than this black man about black people. Also, he condemns to the high heavens those Whites (liberals of his time) who think they were helping blacks but in reality are hurting them worse than the worst racist. Available free online. tinyurlbz9pcxs Most old book of any ilk are. Adam Smith said it best when it comes to slavery : 8220From the experience of all ages and nations, I believe, that the work done by free men comes cheaper in the end than the work performed by slaves. Whatever work he does, beyond what is sufficient to purchase his own maintenance, can be squeezed out of him by violence only, and not by any interest of his own.8221 That8217s probably not the case when the work is cotton culture on the gang system. Or sugar production in Louisiana. Why have slaves when you can import millions of non natives to drive down the labor costs Oh the people here wont work for 2 dollars an hour Time to offshore or import people. A surprisingly honest piece from Prof Gates, who was most famously dishonest and wrong when dealing with the Cambridge police in 2009. Of course it became much more dishonest when the Idiot in Chief announced that the Cambridge police 8220acted stupidly8221. In this piece Gates asserts that some blacks bought family members as an at of benevolence to free them and this is true some did. But what would have been nice and a bit more balanced is if he also had stated that far more white abolishionists and religious organizations, did this and on a far greater scale. Most of the blacks who owned slaves, especially in Louisiana, were not altogether black per se but mulatto, quadroon or further miscegenated. African Americans are very conscious of skin tone and percentage of white blood and the lighter ones have frequently felt superior to their darker brethren. Turns out blacks are racist toward other (darker) blacks too. Not so sure I would refer to him as a professor. I wouldn8217t give much credit to anyone whose field of 8220expertise8221 ends in the word 8220studies8221. I had to deal with a fool like him at work who accused me of not dealing fairly with blacks. This guy looked Egyptian but had an English name, he must have been 116th black he was probably Creole. I told him I didn8217t even know he was black. I guess I neglected to give him special treatment. You know that ol8217 one drop rule, they8217ll wear that race card out even if they can only claim 116th of it. I8217ve experienced the same on numerous occasions. Let8217s put an end to it. He should have studied law. That Cambridge cop was right to call him outside and he was wrong to rant and rave. No one ever mentions this, but if a cop thinks someone broke into your home and you are the homeowner, you could have a perp hiding in the closet or somewhere else, so it8217s wise to ask the homeowner to come outside while the cops search the home. Someone should have mentioned this to him and the Kenyan, but then it would have shattered the narrative the media was trying to portray. And I am still promulgating the theory that Gates planned this in advance because he wanted an incident with a cop. That8217s because he wanted the publicity, as he was becoming yesterday8217s news in the universe of black studies talking heads. He just never expected actually to be arrested. That8217s a very reasonable theory given all the hoaxes these 8220black studies8221 types undertake on college campuses. Also reasonable considering that blacks have a world class reputation for engaging in cheap stunts and theater in order to get people to pay attention to them. ditto in caribbean, mulatto elite Because they know that White genes mean better intellect and behavior, and this is why Black men who are climbing the socioeconomic ladder love to miscegenate with White women. We Whites should all be repulsed by this, as the White party involved in miscegenation is literally throwing their heritage in the garbage. The result will not only not be in the likeness of the White parent, but will surely have an inferior intellect to what would be possible with a racially pure White child. Even if the White parent is not the sharpest tool in the shed, the roll of the dice of genetics means that the odds are against the Mulatto having a stronger intellect. This is why miscegenation used to be against the law, and still should be. Well to be fair the subtext of the article was that many Blacks bought slaves to help people but Whites did not. You can8217t hide the past but you can change how it is presented. Gates says it would be 8216fair to assume8217 that 43 of the black slaveholders bought family members as that was the percentage of black owners having one or just a few slaves. I don8217t know that asserting that all of that 43 were benevolent is justified many whites owned just one or a couple slaves. 8220If you love someone, set them free.8221 If these black owners really loved their slaves they wouldn8217t have 8216owned8217 them but would have simply freed them. He also makes another sketchy conclusion, asserting that it was an act of progress that fewer blacks owned slaves over time, but it seems obvious this may have been due to whites increasingly refusing to sell to them as the Civil War loomed. This article is why Mr. Gates is persona non-grata in the black community. Sometimes he tells the truth and blacks appreciate only the truths that fit their black-and-white agenda. In other words, most black slave owners probably owned family members to protect them, but far too many turned to slavery to exploit the labor of other black people for profit. So blacks exploited black labor for their own benefit. This isn8217t shocking. What8217s surprising is how blacks have managed to keep this quiet for this long. Blacks have been enslaving blacks for centuries. They8217re still doing it today. In some black nations, it8217s not even questioned. Mr. Gates is either lying, or expressing self-serving bias with this. I am inclined to believe that he is engaging in the former. Blacks do not have the same reverence for the truth that we do, and education does not change this in them. When it comes to black history which places blacks an unfavorable light, blacks turn to the idea of 8216nuanced8217 history. It works like this: While whites are evil incarnate, blacks can be forgiven and excused for their past sins because their are always reasons for their actions. Blacks are, by nature, good and kind people who have been forced to do bad things because 8216the (blue eyed) devil made them do it8217. This is nothing more than Mr. Gates8217 attempt to blunt an historical fact that portrays blacks in a bad light 8220Nuanced8221 history also applies to those of the 8220tribe8221 that STILL make excuses for their 8220invention82218211communism. They still state that communism is viable 8220if properly applied8221. Communism eventually 8220turned8221 on its 8220inventors. Whenever I talk philosophy with a 8220freed slave8221 I always get Marx and Engels. A clever black man is usually a college indoctrinated parrot. Free Travel For blacks WE DO OWE BLACKS FOR BRINGING THEM HERE: We need to do the right thing. We need to offer EVERY black who feels mistreated in America a FREE one way ticket back to Africa along with 25,000 cash money. All they need to do to qualify is Renounce Their U. S. Citizenship which they do not seem to appriciate and sign documents that they will never return to the USA, with very serious consequences if they do, not free housing, health care and welfare like we give our 8220South of The Border invaders (sic) but serious time on a Chain Gang before Deportation. At 25,000 each we will be coming our billions of dollars ahead. Few people know it costs 50,000 a year to keep a black incarcerated in prison. You Do Realize That You are also Not native to America. Hence the Word Native Americans or The Indigenous People of America. Just as Africans were brought here, So were Europeans although most came. Which would mean Technically You do not OWN or have any rights to America, only the NativeIndigenous People that were here way before Columbus So Called Discovered it, Would have the so Called rights to America. So if your giving out tickets to Africa, Give yourself one as well and head back to Europe. This information will remain buried like all other instances of blacks8217 true nature, because it doesn8217t fit the bill of 8220Blacks good, whites bad8221 that young people have drummed into their heads daily. I read about blacks8217 ownership of slaves a long time ago and also heard the excuse that they did it to 8220protect8221 their family members from whites. But on closer inspection, it doesn8217t really hold up. If slaves were freed legally, they could enjoy the same legal protection that their equally free family members already enjoyed. What law worked for one would also protect the other. More likely is the fact that by owning their family, blacks could more easily control them. Looking at black family dynamics today, there seems to be a surfeit of controlling behavior, jealousy, and physical abuse. What better way for a black man to keep his woman from leaving him and his children obedient than to legally own them and have the right to whip them or sell them if they got too 8220uppity8221. Au contraire. Everybody knows that blacks owned slave prior to the Civil War. My feeling is that the whole history of slavery is one that is very problematic to understand or right about. Think about it this way8230100 years from now, if there are still people around to document our times, they will no doubt see that many black people were in prison. And they will wonder8230those people were so racist, so evil, so cruel, so barbaric as to have these enormous prisons, and people kept in them And they will have museums where people will go and you and the kids can take a picture where you are 8220behind bars8221 or something like that. But of course, from our perspective, we know the truth. We lock up rapists and murderers and drug dealers And black people happen to be those things It8217s like when you hear about lynchings, and everybody today, in our 8220enlightened8221 age thinks it was horrific and those poor blacks and those evil southerners, etc. But many of those lynchings were for criminal, violent activity The townspeople were actually just protecting themselves, keeping themselves safe. It8217s sort of the same with slavery. No doubt many aspects of it were bad. But, also, alot of those blacks had it much better than they would have had it belonging to some tribe in Africa. Why did free blacks own slaves To work in their fields, plantations, mines, factories, workshops, and other purposes, just like any white slave owner. How would the public, both blacks and whites, react if a mainstream movie, or prime time TV mini-series about American slavery were made, in which the 8220massa8221 himself is a free black man For example, I remember back in 1977, the release of the TV mini-series 8220Roots8221 caused serious racial problems. It was not until recently, I learned that 8220Roots8221 was plagiarized by Alex Haley from the Harold Courtlander novel 8220The African8221. Of course, most people do not study history on their own like I do for a hobby, and are very prone to believing about history what they have learned in school, see in movies, and on TV dramas, which is often historically inaccurate. It was black Africans themselves who originated the black slave trade. Simply put, one tribe would raid the village of an enemy tribe and sell the people they caught to white merchant ship captains off the coast of Africa. After 1808, slave trading from the United States was technically illegal, but there were still slave smuggling ships from the United States up until the Civil War, because of the money to be made. Unfortunately, slavery is still going on today, Now it is called, human trafficking. Organizations like Free the Slaves, and other human rights groups, are modern-day abolitionists who are now fighting it. But this makes me wonder, what if a benefit fundraiser to fight human trafficking was held at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, NYC slavery a bad economic system Africans were the original slave owners. Sneaky tribal chief con artists sold tens of millions of their rejects most who were captives or inferiors in the tribe. Otherwise they would have been cannibalized. Foolish white slaves trader merchants sucked into the gimmick shipped them west and of course the western elite were gullible to fall for this trick when slaves were needed like a hole in the head and the worst of economy systems. These white Shem race Europeans could have enslaved the migrant Asian mongoloid Japheth race who had crossed over the Bering ice bridge 1000 yrs earlier but were tricked into going to Africa and buying the Ham servant race as they were called in the Torah8217s Genesis. It was a heb Rothchilde trick. Since his parents were missionarys to Japan where he got hooked on the yellow mongoloid pagans Amren8217s Taylor was obviously a rebel like all offspring of these types. The preachers daughter or son was always the wild child when unchained. This is why he rejects any white man religion controvery discussion and protects so called hebs who have a disconnect with WMR although missionary8217s all have a superiority complex when it comes to their belief system. In the end slavery was the worst eco system and opened the door to Marx and his tool Lincoln. The rest is bloody history and inferior genetics. G. Carter Woodson is such a BSer on this point. To 8220own8221 someone as a matter of 8220benevolence8221 toward your kinfolk. Pure crap If one were 8220benevolent8221 one would buy and then immediately release and free forever (8220emancipate8221) one8217s family member. The fact that the kept them as slaves long enough to have them listed on a decennial census puts the lie to that. Black americans bought and sold slaves for the same reasons black africans always have: to make money Black in Haiti keep slaves to this very day for the same reason: they are cheap exploitable labor. Google 8220restavek8221. If blacks were treated as they deserve, in terms of criminal prosecutions, television depictions, report of their inferior IQ8217s, the real reasons they cannot keep up with whites in school, then I would not hate them nearly as much as I do. The denial of reality is what turns people into extremists, not fair treatment. I am interested to know examples of the treatment blacks deserve. I am also interested as to why. Thank you Gates is one useless lying arrogant pos who unquestionably came from one of the worst rejected inferior lines in Africa who were the first to be sold and board the western bound ship by tribal chiefs snickering and trying to hold back their laughter while signing a big relief to have his kind purged completely. Clearly Gates was the original Kunte Kinte but not the Hollywood fiction and only a wimpy runt bed wetter. Did blacks own black slaves 150 years ago YES. Do blacks own black slaves in the United States, right now, today ALSO YES From a very quick google search: When visiting Louisiana years ago I took a tour of an old plantation and was surprised to find out that the slave owner was a brown skinned woman. She was Creole, which is a mixture of African, Indian, and European, in some cases. If you ask ten Louisianans what a Creole is, you will get ten different answers. In either case, Laura looks Indian. Some of the family members are of French descent, so apparently they were not against intermarriage between the races. Well, Ill be darned. Black people exploiting other Buh-lacks. Hey, wait a minute. Arent 99 of pimps and heroin dealers in and to the Schwartz menschen Black Oh, honky Whitey made me do it, somehow connected with slavery and past exploitation. Slavery of course was a universal economic strategy. It is not just restricted to humans much less just whites. Social insects also raid other colonies and steal slaves. Human slavery began probably with the neolithic revolution. Hunter-gatherers can8217t take slaves out on hunting parties but slaves are valuable as soon as you invent agriculture. So the black activist Gates chooses to state that blacks owned slaves in the US, implying that they only did so because they were imbeded in a white slave culture. But blacks also had slavery back in Africa. They probably got slavery later than Europeans because they got agriculture later. Gates wants to associate whiteness with slave owning but it is more true to say that whiteness is associated with ending slavery. Gates is a bigot. Is there a good history of slavery going back to biblical times that offers a defense of 19th century American slavery Or at least a good contextualization of it I want to read-up. Dzięki. slavery was a bad mistake Slavery was a catastrophic mistake and needed like a hole in the head. Did the slave traders and slave buyers really and truly think this whole thing out before they jumped into it head first getting suckered by the tribal chiefs getting rid of their rejects conning them off on the white man who paid as much as 50,000 in todays dollars for every single slave to do incredibly easy soft labor 8-12 months out of the year picking cotten or cleaning house while getting everything paid for and the biggest part getting out of that god awful wretched hellhole jungle 3rd world existence Clearly they were happy to get away from the stench of the jungle otherwise they would have all returned to that wretched hellhole Africa in 1821 with Liberia or in 1865 or other times. Blacks in America need to get on ther hands and knees and kiss the feet of the white elite for taking out of hellish African savage misery and bringing them into the light and same for the Europeans who colonized the African jungles and upgraded their lives. No wonder the free slaves in 1865 showed their affection and eternal appreciation keeping the last names of their former owners and even gong to work for them for wages. They certainly never returned to Africa where they were not wanted. Dont believe all the revisionist lies about abuse of slaves as they were treated with respect and dignity otherwise not a single reparation lawsuit was ever filed by an ex-slave and they still carry the surnames of their master to this day in 2017. Why do they give the tribal chiefs a free pass who sold them off and of course they owned slaves. Ever heard of white slavery White slaves built and maintained Europe for thousands of years. That should have never ended. Whites never needed black slaves for anything. It was the worst of the worst economic systems and opened the door for satanic Marx. Had blacks remained in Africa they would be happy. Ignorance is bliss. Nobody want to remember that human beings once lived in the real world. You ate what you grew, raised, gathered or hunted. Or didn8217t eat at all. Anything you had that was made was made by someone you could see with your own eyes, or at someone like the people you could see in your daily world. People want to believe things that are not real because they want to live in a mental world which is not real, but want to believe that it is real. If you want to believe in a false present and false future, then you need a false past to go with it. If people wanted to live in the real world, they8217d be yelling for job, any reasonable job, and a paycheck at the end of the week. Then, again, in the world today, maybe it makes more sense to yell for a bigger handout. Worldwide, the economic system seems incapable of creating jobs. I8217ll like to own a few white people. You never hear about slavery of White Europeans along the Barbary Coast (North Africa). Sex slave trade for White women does not leave enough shock to these PC scholars. White males were shipped off to the quarries if captured through raids. So-called scholars claim it8217s not racism since Whites only have the power to oppress non-Whites. They must assume that all Europeans were rich from stolen wealth. Yes, the Arabs took about a million whites into slavery8211they devastated many parts of Europe. You never hear about it. Also, whites were considered stupid by the Arabs and less valuable. Talk about racism. Forgive me, but here are the facts: afroids, negroid sub saharan africans by any name, were, pay attention, LIVE STOCK, not members of civilized society. negroes sold negroes, and played on the morality of whites to create a parasite on the body social, the afroid negro. Lincoln wanted to send them back to africa, but the militant blackoids murdered him, and now the beastial negro is polluting the body politic. may obama and his ilk reap what they sow. the gated communties will be happy hunting grounds for the underclass that voted the demons in office. ha, the last laugh will be so sweet. 7 shots for a drunk affirmative action hire means 8 shots missed and the elite will have their asses in a bind. have to use pencils to fight with. ha. Lets not forget that the vast bulk of the slave catchers amp sellers in Africa were African82308230and that slavery when finally stamped out in Africa by the Brits returned full force after 1960 once the White Man put his burden of civilizing the uncivilisable down. BTW, slavery has never left the areas ruled by moslems. gates tells the truth for once Shhh. keep it quiet ok Tribal chiefs who sold off all the slaves to the white man owned a billion slaves too and still do 8230 If these benevolent black slave owners kept black slaves 8220to protect that person8221, what would prevent them from emancipating them voluntarily even if they stayed with the family. This is the usual noise from the left 8220If we do it it is not the same8221. Isn8217t this the guy that had the beer summit with Obama I would like to recommend a few good books for AmRen people to read: gt822148 Liberal Lies about American History8221 by Larry Schweikart. 8220The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War8221 by H. W. Crocker III. Also 8220Death By Liberalism8221, by J. R. Dunn. These books, as a number of others in this genre will certainly open your mind and refocus your thinking. (No, I am not selling them, nor have a financial interest 8212 I am just tired of the liberal lying we get from all directions in today8217s politically correct NOT world) What neither liberals nor Blacks will admit: Slavery would have ended by the beginning of the 20th Century. If only for the simple reason slavery stacked the deck against Whites who did not own slaves of their own. Because a White worker could not compete effectively wage-wise against a slave doing the same job. He had an article8211can8217t remember where8211that castigated blacks for refusing to see the truth about their precious ancestors selling them. Read the book. the politically incorrect guide to the south and why it will rise again, The author makes a lot of good points on slavery. Such as, the first person to ever legally own a slave in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson, some of the largest slave owners were blacks, whites did not mistreat their slaves, just like they dont mistreat there property today. They were only whipped or hung if they had commited a crime, just like they do still today, in Africa. Freed black slaves mostly in La and the north had to pay to buy their relatives and others from white slave owners. Many people mistakenly assume black people owned slaves, because they found their names on bills of sale. Just because their names of people whose freedom they purchased were found on bills of sale, doesn8217t mean they were slave owners, or they treated them as slaves. Where do you think all these 8220black slave owners8221 would live anyway There were only 135 free black people in the entire south at different times and they were mostly the offspring of their owners, their white fathers. Most were freed by their white fathers leading up to the civil war. Many wills would states, if they died, their mixed children would be freed. Blacks couldn8217t own anything in the south during slavery. It wasn8217t until after around 1880 before blacks could have the land left to them by their white fathers. I may be among the few who actually spent many hours talking to a former slave and i learned through her the real truth. She was one of them. Oh, this is a kluxer confederate revisionist article. Your forefathers brought slaves here, because there couldn8217t do the jobs themselves. Everything you have, even today, slaves did that, slaves built the foundation of this country and without my ancestors, you8217d still be dirt poor. And the fact is, your ancestors were child molesters. When i did my DNA and African American research, nearly all of the little black girls were around the age of 13 when they gave birth to the owner8217s babies. That means, the owners started messing with them earlier than 13. The average age of bed wenches ( just an excuse to get a small child in their beds) was from 8 to 13 years old. By the end of the civil war, most of what was the black slaves, had white in them. Some southern heritage huh As a slave owner once said,8217 I got more out of my ex slave paying him, then I did when I own him8221Martellus Bennett Tight End for the New England Patriots amp Chief Creative Officer. The Imagination Agency New England Patriots Tight End known not only for his presence as a playmaker on the field, but also for his larger than life personality. With a laundry list of exceptional talents both on and off the field, and enough charisma to charm even the worst of critics, the young Martellus Bennett has won the hearts of fans across the board. This bright young star have paved the way to a long lasting and powerful career as a player, entertainer and businessman. Martellus grew up in Houston, Texas where from a young age he was a standout two-sport athlete destined for a future in athletics. He was a top draft prospect out of high school for both football and basketball and went on to play both sports at the NCAA Division 1 level for Texas AampM. Deciding to focus on playing football, Martellus was the number two overall pick by the Dallas Cowboys in the 2008 NFL draft. Throughout his career as a Dallas Cowboy, New York Giant, and Chicago Bear, Martellus worked tirelessly to secure a starting position and to maintain a high level of play and thus a strong impact on each team he has been apart of. During his time as a Chicago Bear Martellus broke the franchise record for touchdowns. During the spring offseason in 2018 Martellus was traded to the New England Patriots. Martellus is no stranger to the spotlight and is very comfortable in front of a camera He has appeared on major sports media networks such as ESPN and NFL Network and local Dallas sports programs such as Inside the Huddle. He has also appeared on Young Hollywood and The NOC and has even produced content for his own YouTube channel, which included promotional videos, music videos and comedic skits. The self-described Black Unicorn is an artistic Jack of All Trades boasting a multitude of titles: artist, author, illustrator writer, inventor, composer, rare toy collector, to name of few of several dozen hats he wears. Last season Martellus Powerhouse Animation director, Shane Minshew, to complete his first animated short film titled Zoovie during his BYE week-just 1 of several short childrens films and books he is wrapping up to debut through his creative media firm and brain child, The Imagination Agency which launched in summer 2018 along with his first book and interactive app titled HEY AJ ITS SATURDAY, the first in the Hey AJ Book Series. There is nothing novel in Martelluss work, he is involved in and masters every aspect of the creative process with his projects from the writing, to the animation, and distribution. Bennett is as talented, creative, and innovative as historical figures Walt Disney and Dr. Seuss mixed with the limitless idealism, imagination, and never say never attitude of fictional figures Willy Wonka and Peter Pan. Sophie Milam Executive Officer. HI-SEAS Mission III Sophie Milam was born in San Antonio, TX the third of four children and only girl to Nick and Danielle Milam. Moving to Evanston, IL at the age of 12 Sophie attended Haven Jr. High and Evanston Township High School before moving to Hilo, HI to attend the University of Hawaii at Hilo in 2006. Four years later Sophie graduated with a B. A. in Physics, a B. S. in Astronomy, a minor in math, a fellowship from the Hawaii Space Grant Consortium, an internship at the NASA Ames Academy, and hundreds of hours of experience working with the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES). Enrolling at the University of Idahos Mechanical Engineering Masters program in 2017, Sophie received a 2-year fellowship with the Idaho Space Grant Consortium doing the Robotic Lunar Exploration Program (RLEP) which sent her to NASA Ames for 10 weeks during the summers of 2017 and 2017 to work with the Intelligent Robotics Group (IRG) on the tensegrity structure called SuperBallBot. Sophie spent the last semester of her Masters of Engineering program starting an eight month long isolation and confinement study called HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analogue and Simulation) where she and five other participants teamwork and cohesion as a crew provided data to scientists from many universities. Leaving the HI-SEAS habitat in June of 2018 Sophie moved to Smelterville, ID to reunite with her boyfriend, Casey Winchel, dog, Charly LaRue, hedgehog, Slim Pricklins, and fish, Land Captain. She currently works at SVL Analytical as a Mercury Analyst and Systems Engineer and spends her free time enjoying the wide open beauty of north Idahos rivers, lakes, and mountains whether its floating and hiking in the summer or skiing and sledding in the winter. Rob Biederman Co-Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. Rob Biederman is the co-founder and CEO of Catalant, the leading technology platform delivering elite business talent. Catalants innovative human capital solution connects top independent professionals with enterprises to tackle projects flexibly, quickly and efficiently. Catalant has built a global network of nearly 30,000 boutique consulting firms, custom teams, and independent experts, as well as best-in-class software tools for engaging and managing this market. Based in Boston, Catalant serves thousands of clients, including Fortune 1000 companies like GE, Hess, Staples, Pfizer and Microsoft, as well as countless others on a confidential basis. Prior to founding Catalant, Biederman was a private equity investor at Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital, where he focused on the healthcare and high-tech industries. Biederman attended Princeton University and graduated from Harvard Business School. Spread the Word 2018 Forbes Under 30 Summit: Boston The Under 30 Summit has always been in a class of its ownwith four days of motivating panels, pitch contests, philanthropy, music and food festivals, parties and beyondbut this year, were taking it to the next level. From October 16-19th, 5,000 current and future leaders of every field will converge on Boston for the 2018 Under 30 Summitthe worlds greatest gathering of young entrepreneurs and game changers. For the first time, four content stages 8211 Tech, Create, Capital and Impact 8211 will be hosted at notable universities throughout the city, encompassing dedicated programming and the greatest innovations across Science and Technology, Finance and Investing, Media and Creativity, and Policy and Social Good. Additionally, a VIP track for Forbes 30 Under 30 honorees, will be held at Bostons historic Faneuil Hall. Were transforming Bostons City Hall Plaza into a central hub for attendees from all five tracks to network, view demonstrations and performances, unwind at a beer garden or VIP lounge, and so much more. The Under 30 Summit will kick off with the U30 Music Festival. Were excited to announce another all-star line-up this year: Jason Derulo, Halsey, Gallant, and Delta Rae. Known for their sold out stadiums, Billboard chart-toppers and mainstay performances on the festival circuit, theyre sure to kick off the summit with a bang. Serving as the definitive place to network, collaborate, recruit and exchange ideas of the future, the 2018 Under 30 Summit will do it all. Sunday, October 16th 12pm-4pm The Under 30 Kickoff Enjoy the official opening of the Under 30 Village. Surprises and hundreds of your fellow Under 30s to follow 4pm -10pm Under 30 Music Festival A private concert to change the world (in partnership with Global Citizen), along with some of the greatest young acts in the world: Jason Derulo, Halsey, Gallant and Delta Rae, plus many surprises Monday, October 17th 9:30am-7pm Under 30 Village Hubs: Experiences, Ideas, Opportunities From networking, to recruiting, to a start-up village, to performances, to food, to a beer garden, the Under 30 Village has it all 10am-1pm Ideas Hub Programming Talks and panels on the Ideas Hub stage in the Under 30 Village (open only to All-Access badge holders) 2pm-5pm Content Stages The greatest collection of speakers in the world this week, on four stages (Capital, Tech, Impact, Create) located across Boston 9pm-2am The Under 30 Fenway Bar Crawl Welcome to the best bar crawl ever. The Under 30 Summit takes over the famous streets behind the Green Monster and around Fenway Park (plus, one bar inside), with a half-dozen themed bars, each with a celebrity surprise. (Last years highlights included Hanson leading the karaoke bar, and Dr. Ruth holding court in the singles bar) Tuesday, October 18th 8:30am Under 30 Wellness Meditation with Deepak Chopra Exercise your body (lightly) and mind (heavily) with one of the worlds great healers, Deepak Chopra, who will be joined by the Mayo Clinics Dr. Amit Sood (an Under 30 Summit favorite) in the Under 30 Village 8am8pm Under 30 Village Hubs: Experiences, Ideas, Opportunities From networking, to recruiting, to a start-up village, to performances, to food, to a beer garden, the Under 30 Village has it all 10am-1pm Content Stages The greatest collection of speakers in the world this week, on four stages (Capital, Tech, Impact, Create) located across Boston 2pm-5pm Ideas Hub Stage Programming Talks and panels on stage in the Under 30 Village (open to all participants) 5pm-8pm Taste of Boston Food Festival Wednesday, October 19th Service Day From a hackathon for good to assemblies at Boston public high s chool, the Under 30 Summit intends to leave Boston better than we found it. Click through each tab for the different content stage agendas below Life and Death and Ebola The best advice Katie Meyler ever got Get over yourself--its not about you. Those words not only inspired the social entrepreneur to launch a much-needed all-girls school in Liberia in 2017, but when the Ebola crisis hit the African country the following year, they became her guiding principle. Meyler shares her story of how she fought to keep her More than Me school open while literally staring down death. The subject of Islam can be very touchy. But Amani Al-Khatahtbeh says, Its not only about getting our voices out there, its about shifting the narrative. Better known as MuslimGirl, she has bounced from a blog to a successful startup, creating the first mainstream media network by and for Muslim women--and making her perspective the central American voice of the conversation about religion, feminism and identity. Amani Al-Khatahtbeh Founder amp Editor-in-Chief. Muslim Girl Dot. Org or Dot: Mission and Money 61 of millennials are worried about the state of the world and feel personally responsible to make a difference. But how do you balance the desire to make change with the need to make money Four successful social entrepreneurs from around the world provide a roadmap. Jeremy Johnson Co-Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. Andela Jasmine Lau Co-Founder amp Executive Director. PIM Shiza Shahid Founder, Now Ventures Co-Founder. Malala Fund Moderator: Brendan Doherty Co-Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. Inward Point The Face of Freedom Hyeonseo Lee is perhaps the worlds most unlikely political activist. Having escaped one of the worlds poorest, most secretive and brutal regimes, she is now an international champion of refugee rights and political immigration, and one of a growing cadre of courageous refugees talking about the human consequences of global inaction. Take it from Oprah, who described her TED talk as the most riveting ever Hyeonseo Lee North Korean Defector, Activist and Author of The Girl With Seven Names Moderator: Moira Forbes Publisher, Forbes Woman Executive Vice President. Forbes Media Short Documentary Film Festival For the first time, Forbes is holding a contest to find the worlds next generation of brilliant documentary short filmmakers. And the audience will vote to choose the winner. Judges: Amy Laslett Partner, Kids at Play Joshua Sason Founder amp Chief Executive Officer, Magna Executive Moderator: Caroline Howard Executive Producer. Forbes Media Change the Conversation Courageous social entrepreneurs discuss the disruptive force of coming from outside the industry bubble, mapping out how they did it and whats next now that theyve found success. Raymond Braun Founder. RWB Media amp Television Correspondent Siavosh Derakhti Founder amp President. Young People Against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia Christopher Gray Co-Founder. Scholly Felix Ortiz, III Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. Viridis Learning Moderator: Kathryn Dill Staff Reporter. Forbes Media Reforming the Worlds Workplace Its been said before, and often: there is a gender problem in workplaces around the world. But the past year has really put the issue in the spotlight, giving women the momentum and motivation to speak out. Listen in as our panelists from the cast of Good Girls Revolt, the new Amazon series, the Silicon Valley startup world and NASA explain why generational shifts in work culture and social attitudes are drastically changing the idea of business as usual. But is it enough Genevieve Angelson Actress. Good Girls Revolt Anna Camp Actress. Good Girls Revolt Erin Darke Actress. Good Girls Revolt Sarah Kunst Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. Proday Sophie Milam Executive Officer. HI-SEAS Mission III Moderator: Christina Vuleta Vice President of Womens Digital Network. Forbes Media Extra Session: Good Girls Revolt Screening QampA with the Cast and Creators of Good Girls Revolt Genevieve Angelson Actress. Good Girls Revolt Dana Calvo Executive Producer. Good Girls Revolt Anna Camp Actress. Good Girls Revolt Erin Darke Actress. Good Girls Revolt Chris Diamantopoulo Actor. Good Girls Revolt Darlene Hunt Executive Producer. Good Girls Revolt Lynda Obst Executive Producer. Good Girls Revolt Moderator: Kathryn Dill Staff Reporter. Forbes Media Tuesday, October 18, 2018 Day 2: Change America The best solutions for a sustainable and better future for the country will engage and involve todays generation. This morning well set the stage for inspiring a sense of purpose and success. Politics in the 21st Century A generation ago, the political battlefield was all about the left and right. Now its all about outsiders vs. insiders, establishment vs. provocateurs, the fringe vs. the center. A mashup of legislators and non-politicians discuss the challenges and opportunities of this new polarization that goes way beyond this years election season. Mattie Duppler Coalitions Director. House Republican Conference Dan Koh Chief of Staff. City of Boston Jenna Lowenstein Digital Director. Hillary for America Michael Whitney Digital Fundraising Director, Bernie Sanders Senior Campaign Strategist. Revolution Messaging Moderator: The Honorable Michael Dukakis Professor, Northeastern University and Former Governor. State of Massachusetts Moderator: Lewis DVorkin Chief Product Officer. Forbes Media Surviving A Mass Murder One cold April day in 2007, 49 students were shot and 32 died at Virginia Tech. One survivor was then-21-year-old Colin Goddard, the only person in the building to call the police (after he had been shot four times). He saved lives that day -- and now his lifework is to save countless more. Colin Goddard Survivor Fellow. Everytown for Gun Safety A Movement That Matters DeRay Mckesson Moderator: Adam Foss Battling My Own Cancer with Data Steven Keating had his brain scanned out of sheer curiosity. They discovered an abnormality. But as an MIT doctoral candidate, he became fascinated with the raw data from these scans, which ultimately helped him and his doctors discover a baseball-size tumor, which was removed in 2017. Keating is now a passionate advocate for open health data--and he wants everyone to have the same chance to save their own lives. 1 Million Change the World Finals Over 1,000 Under 30 entrepreneurs entered. Fewer than 50 were selected as semi-finalists. Now the Final Four in the social-based space will compete on stage for the grand prize. The cause: improving U. S. education outcomes. The stakes: 500,000 in cash and media grants from the Schusterman Foundation and Forbes. Judges: Audrey Jackson 2018 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Jenny Jordan Schusterman Foundation Michelle Brown Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. CommonLit Mendell Grinter Founder. Campaign for School Equality Jeffrey Martin Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. honorCode Evin Robinson Co-Founder. New York on Tech Jessica Santana Co-Founder. New York on Tech Moderator: Caroline Howard Executive Producer. Forbes Media The Model of Disruption Chrissy Teigen has parlayed Sports Illustrated swimsuit covers into a robust career as author, television host, entrepreneur -- and digital truth-teller. She opens up on her Twitter feuds with Donald Trump, Piers Morgan, Chris Brown and more, and how she is using her platform as a force for social good. Chrissy Teigen Model and Author Moderator: Raymond Braun Founder. RWB Media amp Television Correspondent Boston has long been a leading hub for undergraduate and graduate education. Now it has emerged as the go-to city for inventors, disruptors, luminaries, and newsmakers across all industries. Oto dlaczego. Introduction: Martin J. Walsh Mayor, City of Boston Scott Bailey Managing Director. MassChallenge Boston Linda Pizzuti Henry Managing Director. the Boston Globe Niraj Shah Co-Founder amp Chief Executive Officer. Wayfair Moderator: Paul Noglows Executive Director amp Head. ForbesLive Its an honor that can change your lifeSo how does it work Forbes editors tell all, and past honorees take us along for the ride. (Our most popular panel each year.) Luke Holden Lukes Lobster - lukelukeslobster Jake Fuentes Head of New Products, Capital One Moderator: Emily Inverso Forbes Magazine Raising The First 1 Million They say its easier to make 1 million from scratch than turn 1 million into 1 billion. The same with fundraising. A panel of superstar founders show the way. Neeraj Berry Co-Founder, Sprig Jewel Burks Chief Executive Officer amp Founder, Partpic Wayne Chang Entrepreneur amp Angel Investor Moderator: Samantha Sharf Forbes Magazine My Idea In 8 Minutes Botkeeper Enrico Palmerino Dream Team: The Secret Art Of Hiring (And Firing) If youre company is only as good as your team, then few aspects of small business are more critical than human resources. A primer of finding the best and culling the worst. Mickey Meyer Co-Founder, JASH Jordan Passman Founder, Score A Score Moderator: Emily Inverso Forbes Magazine My Biggest Mistake (And What I Learned From It) You can learn more for failure than success. Top entrepreneurs dish on lessons learned. Jamail Larkins President amp Chief Executive Officer, Ascension Air Management Inc Natalie Gray Founder, Cover Moderator: Kurt Badenhausen Forbes Magazine My Idea In 8 Minutes

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